It’s a New Day

Each new day is a new opportunity to start over, live the life you always wanted and dreamed of, and create a new reality. Each day is a fresh blank canvas just
waiting for you to paint your ideal day upon it. There is always a choice.

Life is full of possibilities and there’s no reason to stay stuck in a rut, to stay stuck in the same type of job or surroundings. You can choose to change, to edit, to enhance. You can choose to minimize the things that don’t resonate with your spirit. You are free to evolve, to grow, to learn. It is never too late.

The only time we are sure that we have is right now. Make the most of it!

June 19, 2013. Tags: , . writing.


  1. HAW! replied:

    Agreed. I like to think of a day as a mini-life. Born in the morning, busy til late afternoon, reflective, then death. Is that morbid?

    • ksocorro replied:

      That is very interesting! I like it, makes me think of carpe diem. Making the most of every day as if it were your last. Thanks for your comment 🙂

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