Life is a Gift

I tend to be a control freak. I’m very aware of this and tend to get pissy when things don’t go the way I want them too. Trying to be in control is so useless in this world that we live in. We can’t control the weather, our job situations, other people, terrorism, traffic, etc.

Everyday things are way out of our control but we like to think that we can manage them and turn the universe to our liking. Often, you get the opposite of what you expect, and you have to maintain the hope that all works out for the best.

It’s definitely not an easy thing to do. Lately I’ve been listening to the short, (15 to 20 minute) guided mediations at the site: They are very useful, calming, and gentle. These meditations are good for people who feel they have to constantly push themselves to be better, to be smarter, to be perfect, to be stronger. I’ve been that way for most of my life. If things are not going right, I tend to blame myself first and feel that I am awful.

Sometimes it’s OK to take a step back and breathe, re-evaluate life and your place in it. The world will not come to a halt because you decide to take a break, call in sick, or do something selfish every now and then. It’s important to treat yourself with care. And show yourself that you care and have love for yourself.

None of us knows what the future holds, all we can do is our best with what we have right now, and take our time with things if we need to. There’s nothing wrong with taking baby steps when you have a bigger vision of how you want life to be.

It’s easy to let yourself get overwhelmed. But those are the time when its most important to relax, let yourself be and let things unfold as they will. Sometimes the best (and only) thing you can do, is let go. Others will help you if you ask, and then when you are ready, you can emerge and bloom and be fully immersed in the gift of life.

September 15, 2013. Tags: , , . Uncategorized.

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